Sunday, July 26, 2009

Various Confusions With the Ds, or, When Not to Alliterate

Today, I found myself torn between dandiprat (n.s., a little fellow; an urchin: a word used sometimes in fondness and sometimes in contempt) and disrelish. However, at risk of over-alliterating, I shall choose the former:

Intense emotion wracked the bosom of little Charelzefride as he surveyed the tiny figure, high up, in the rigging of his father's ship. "O, that little dandiprat ," an officer said as he passed, evidently inclined to pay no attention to the lithe, monkeylike boy in the rigging. But Charlelzefride stood motionless as he contemplated the sight: his old enemy, alive and upon the same ship. The dandiprat's features twisted in mocking recognition; his lips formed the words:
"Tell no one about the map." Charlezefride nodded.

Less levity, more information should arrive by next post. If Our Readers have any questions, let them not hesitate to submit them (and, if they are common, we shall address them in posts) at this Ask-Our-Editors link:

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