Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Book Review No. 1: Joan Aiken, 'The Way to Write For Children'

Hello, Julian here--

On The Website, we have a linked page on books to read for aspiring authors--here is the first in a review series.

All in all, a fine book containing the essential questions and basic information that every author--not restricted to those hoping to write for children--must consider. Aiken's cohesive, thoughtful book, The Way to Write For Children, is a masterwork of resources, pulling extensively from the wisdom of past authors, and drawing on the canon of children's literature to present a full and clear portrait of the craft.

She presents the very practical considerations of age range, length, and genre, in a knowledgeable and often tongue-in-cheek style, creating a guidance book that is overall entertaining, if not indeed thrilling to read.

Above all, her focus is on motive. This is not a quick-fix book for a best-seller; no, it is an instructive book on the essence of writing. 'Ideally, writing for children should be a vocation,' she says, and continues with the many variations on responsibility with which the passionate writer must wholly agree.

Altogether, a more-than-satisfactory read, and well worth one's time to find.
Of course, the sensible writer must weigh Aiken's recommendations carefully; that is, after all, part of the carving-away at a raw block to shape the self, the author in his or her own unique definition.

For further information, or to purchase the book through ABE, please visit http://www.creative-works-intl-media.com/new-books-recommended-reading.html

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